Mama’s having a baby, baby! ðŸ‘¶

Remember that time as a small child when mama mysteriously just happened to go away for some days and came back with a replacement *baby* 😂😂

Boom suprise , you are no more the centre of attention. You are now a grown up, emotions of rage are filling you up. Oh wait! Did you know ? Had you been told ? Mama is having a baby in advance? I bet not , that’s not how we roll as Africans! Had you even noticed she was pregnant or did you just think , “Oh dear, this woman is getting fat”.

Looking back at it , this is how siblings rivalry starts. Instead of looking forward to that new baby, you seem to want to terminate the new replacememt and show it that you are the sheriff in town. Mean stuff huh but jelousy is a second nature to most of us . Plus the parents do not make it any better. It goes from you are our baby to take care of the baby

You just begin to wonder, what to do really. Worse when that new replacememt now wins every fight because mama always takes their side 😭 , Are you not their child as well?

Speaking about having a baby with your baby helps them accept the other sibling more than when you just suprise them with a new replacememt of your attention, love and emotions.

Published by smudawarima

Poetic nature with a bit of futuristic craze

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  1. It’s reflecting my childhood… Mama went away one night … Then upon waking up, she called me to see a baby she had just bought from the market… I grew up knowing that my sister was just bought… I bragged to the neighbors how we had just bought a beautiful bouncing baby…


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