Acrimony part 2

20180406_180333Backstory: When Melinda met Robert, she was skeptical of his charming nature, but couldn’t deny how attracted she was to him. Once they fell in love, Melinda molded herself into everything he wanted her to be. She sacrificed for him, worked to support his grandiose dreams, and put up with him for better or for worse. Then, one day she realized that, after all she had done, another woman was reaping the lavish rewards. That’s when Melinda lost it, and now she cannot let it go.

What happens after you realize the story was so one sided and wrong? That Melinda was having psychological problems that were not treated and detected in due time to save her life.

Before even knowing much about Melinda’s story with Robert we get a feel that she has a nasty attitude and is always moody. We can all agree she was struggling with borderline personality .How  she made it to University despite failing her classes time and time again even with the help from Robert. On the other hand Robert is a parasite who passively aggressively sucks the life out of Melinda, and she’s a hateful, miserable woman, bent only on her own satisfaction.

Robert’s side: 
I was always charming , that’s how I got about and for someone of my background I needed it in order to survive. I was stereotyped from the word go to just be another African American Guy. As much as Melinda painted me as this ruthless conman there is more than what meets the eye. Who would have knew I survived her stab and here I am ready to relive my life I had with her. I had a dream and I would not let it go. I told her i would give Mrs Gayle those things and I lived up to my word, it was up to her to stick around to be with me and enjoy those things. She repeatedly embarrassed me in front of her sisters and did not support me enough. Lord knows I tried before letting go and paying her back and she started haunting my fiance and I.  I did not have much to my name and yes I admit I took advantage of her but so did she of me. For years I was her stay at home cleaner and at times felt more like her sex slave. Our marriage was more of a roommate situation & less emotions involved. That’s what we had in common sex, we never really much connected or did much emotionally. Emotionally I was there for her after her mothers passing and even when she attempted to kill Diana & I . I did not press charges, I went on to marry her just as a way to show I loved her beyond everything. I never laid a hand on her all she had were assumptions of what I was doing behind her back. All I wanted was to build a home , have my battery working and we would live happily ever after.  I can not change my actions but no one deserves the wrath that came my way. I am a man of Principle kept my word. Sorry for hating me, I should have hinted I was a felony , should have thrown away my dream of my battery. After my mistake of cheating with Diana the first time Melinda forever thought I was cheating. Melinda smoked on occasions. Also, as she grows increasingly unhinged,would  drink quite a bit, too. The house was littered with old beer and liquor bottles.

Key Aspects that arouse from this movie:
Marriage – for better or for worse
Family – boundaries with family in marriage
Instability – mentally & financially
Rage – unexpressed emotions
Revenge – getting even
Selfish nature – faithful to ones needs
Mental Health – healthy peace of mind
Bitterness – negative emotions
Fatal Attraction – staying when it’s wrong

Published by smudawarima

Poetic nature with a bit of futuristic craze

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